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Cupid Falling/Cupid Rising
by Dan Kehde
The Contemporary Youth Arts Company will present the Dan Kehde coming of age comedy “Cupid Falling/Cupid Rising” at 7 pm February 8, 9,15,16 on stage at the CYAC Theater, 2nd Level, Charleston Town Center. Featuring a cast of 7 young actors, the play follows seven high school students as they fumble their ways through the myths and misdeeds of teen sex, peer pressure, gender roles, and the joy of innocence in today’s culture. With language and situations equal to or less offensive than the average comedy on cable, the production is suitable for audiences 12 and older. Tickets, available at the door the nights of the performances or online at cyacwv.showclix.com, are $15.00 for adults, $8.00 for students or senior citizens.