Yes, it's August and that means BOXES!!!!  This year's iteration is, you guessed it, POLITICS!  YAYYYYY!   Tired of the same old boring politicians slamming each other and avoiding the issues, well, so am I!  So come on down and hear enraged youth search for truth and mock the liars.  Here's a list of this year's pieces and the actors performing them.  

{1. A Letter from God... Gracie Javins

     2.     The 8th Grade Class President Elections ... Afton Myers

     3.     F*U*M*P*S ... Brett Smith

     4.     A Call To Action ...Daniel Calwell

     5.     What’s Wrong With Trump? ...Haley Lambert

     6.     I Hate Muslims...Eleanor Paybins

     7.     Wills Debate...Caitlin Moore, Katie Shaver

     8.     Would you like to try your luck?...  Kayla Skidmore

     9.     I’ll tell you what’s wrong with Hillary...Juliana Spradling

     10.     4 dead, 42 wounded...Ashley Moore

     11.     Oh Donald...Jessica Kambara

     12.     Rage...Audrey McMillion

     13.     Hillary Clinton Is A Transsexual...Jay Gandee

14.     The Country I Want....Kristen McMillion

15.     And It Came To Pass...Logan Umlor

16. Whine Anyone...Katie Shaver

     17.     The Voting Booth...Faith Medley

18. Final Words...Devin Elliott

8 pm

August 4,5,6

West Virginia State University Capitol Center Theater

123 Summers Street, Charleston

$8.00 Student/Senior, $15.00 Adult

Reservations: 304-342-6522